Ranger Gear was created by Mike Adams (the Health Ranger), one of the leading voices of the rising independent media and a long-time prepper, inventor, self-reliance expert, award-winning investigative journalist and science lab director.Adams is a longtime prepper and survivalist who practices what he preaches. He lives a rural lifestyle, residing on a ranch in Austin, Texas, where he raises chickens and goats, and practices permaculture and self-sufficiency. He has written extensively about preparedness, ranging from this "preparedness pop quiz," to this feel-good story of food-reliance at his ranch, to tips on the best barter items and essential first aid.
A staunch defender of the U.S. Constitution, Adams is a concealed carry permit holder trained in tactical handgun combat. He's also a long-range target shooter who promotes responsible firearms ownership for home defense, community defense and national defense. Patriotic American values are at the heart of what Ranger Gear is all about.
From his science lab experience, Adams is the inventor of Cesium Eliminator, a potentially lifesaving dietary supplement for eliminating radioactive cesium from the digestive tract during emergency situations, and Heavy Metals Defense, a dietary supplement that captures heavy metals like lead, cadmium, arsenic and mercury. Adams is also internationally known for testing foods and dietary supplements for heavy metals contamination, and he's a strong advocate of clean food grown without GMOs, pesticides or cancer-causing herbicides.
As an internet technology innovator, Adams created the world's only search engine devoted to independent news and information as well as AlternativeNews.com and a very popular new aggregation website called FETCH.news. Adams designed the technology that now powers dozens of the independent media's up-and-coming content sites, including Freedom.news, NationalSecurity.news and Glitch.news.
Adams hopes that Ranger Gear will help you prepare, adapt and overcome the obstacles now facing our great nation.